Fairy Tale-A-Day Quest

This fall, as you probably know, I'm taking a course on the Brothers Grimm in honor of the 200th Anniversary this year; which I feel like I was the only one who didn't know about this until well the first day of classes... I wonder if Hollywood knew this or if this fairy tale trend just happened to nicely coincide with the Anniversary... does anyone know?

Anyways, my professor has asked that we try and read one fairy tale a day, as I explained in this post here.  So I'm hoping to post almost every day what fairy tale I read with pictures and a link to a Pinterest board devoted to that fairy tale and sometimes some thoughts (but now always!).  For this first post I'm going to list the fairy tales I've read thus far and not all of them have Pinterest boards yet, but they will, and I will continually update this page (which will be found at the top of the blog) with new links to the boards (if you're specifically looking for Pinterest boards you can go ahead and scroll all the way to the bottom, there's also a link to my Pinterest page in the left hand side of the blog page).

Here we go, fairy tales by day (titles in green are linked to my post about that particular fairy tale):

9/4/2012: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka (my little brother picked the first one ha!)

9/5/2012: Beauty and the Beast along with the Cupid and Psyche myth

9/6/2012: Thumbeline by Hans Christian Andersen, illus. Lisbeth Zwerger 

9/7/2012-still reading: The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen, illus. Vladyslav Yerko

9/9/2012: The Elves and the Shoemaker by the Brothers Grimm (read this online on SurLaLune, but my favorite picture book of it is illustrated by Jim LaMarche)

9/10/2012: Snow White by the Brothers Grimm, illus. Trina Schart Hyman (love her illustrations! will be reading as many of her fairy tale versions as possible!) There's two version of the cover for this one

9/11/2012: Ancient Versions of Cinderella from Egypt, China and India.

9/12-13/2012: Finished up The Snow Queen (post coming soon!)

9/14/2012: Perrault's versions of "The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood" and "Little Red Riding Hood"

9/15/2012: Perrault's "Blue Beard"

9/16/2012: Perrault's "The Master Cat or Puss in Boots", "The Fairies", and "Cinderella or the Little Glass Slipper"

9/17/2012: Perrault's "Ricky of the Tuft" and "Little Tom Thumb", reread "Blue Beard"

Image for Faithful Johannes

9/21/2012: "Faithful Johannes" by The Brothers Grimm

9/22/2012: The Bearskinner by The Brothers Grimm

Lost track for a bit of recording what I was reading due to prepping for KidLitCon and exams, but here's an update on what I've been reading:

Gradually continuing to read Adam Gidwitz's A Tale Dark and Grimm

9/30-10/3ish: selections from Maurice Sendak's collection of the Brother Grimm, The Juniper Tree and Other Tales from Grimm

10/4: Started dipping into Maria Tatar's Annotated Brother's Grimm, read the Preface and Introducation by A.S. Byatt

by Scott Gustafson
10/5: The Frog Prince 

David Hockney's illustration, "Black Cat Leaping"
10/6: A Fairy Tale about a Boy Who Left Home to Learn about Fear

10/7: The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats (this one reminded me a bit of some of Beatrix Potter's tales)

Love this image, it's by Hunter Bonyun for The Twelve Brothers
Arthur Rackham illustration for Little Brother & Little Sister
10/8: The Twelve Brothers and Little Brother & Little Sister

Here are links I've made so far to Pinterest boards and I'll keep updating the list as I go, hopefully I'll get caught up quick and then it will be about one a day:

Thumbelina: http://pinterest.com/illuminate90/thumbelina/
Snow White: http://pinterest.com/illuminate90/snow-white-past-and-present/
The Snow Queen: http://pinterest.com/illuminate90/the-snow-queen/


  1. Have you read "Revolting Rhymes" by Roahl Dahl? Pretty much my favorite fairy tale interpretations, ever. : )

    1. I haven't! I just saw those at the library this weekend...I didn't even know those were fairy tale interpretations! I'll have to get it next time :)

